Today is only an emergency if you are a grouper!! Good news, as today grouper is now in season until it gets cold again. The next few days the getting should be good until the fish realize they are back on the menu again (and they do figure that out). We are on a good breezy warming trend with another front in our sights to make a small short lived wrinkle in the awesome catching that has been happening the past 5 days. The reef is the place to be to put yellowtail snapper, and now, grouper in the cooler to make for a tasty dinner or two. All the usual species, permit, tarpon, sharks and amberjack have been doing their thing in the usual places as expected. The mystery seems to be the offshore action for dolphin (aka mahi). The conditions have be there, but missing is the bait and the dolphin to eat that bait. Offshore is always a gamble of sorts, but the best day of offshore fishing could be here tomorrow!
Just a point to bring up, your safety and comfort is always a priority. A day on a boat is out of the ordinary for most people. This is the ocean and not a lake. If you or your company has any medical condition, it is important that I know. I keep finding myself half way into a trip and a major medical issue is brought to my attention, like a producers added twist in a reality survival game show. I get put in plenty of difficult positions, but this is one that can be avoided. You and your guests can be matched to an appropriate trip with consideration to abilities. Your trip is for you, so it only hurts us if I don’t know. It is not my goal to beat you up catching too many fish or have your wives beat you up when you get home because I did a good job. If it wasn’t happening then it wouldn’t make it on here, so work with me on this.
As mentioned in my last update, the new bottom machine is amazing. Just a whole new world of detailed information below the boat. My customers have always taken interest in how my electronics work, but now we are watching our jigs sinking to the bottom, watching fish being fought off the bottom and watching schools of fish responding to my presence just before we invite them for a nap in the cooler. I love new toys for the boat and this one is a game changer!
Thanks everybody that has come aboard and can’t wait until the next reel adventure!!