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2025 Spring Break Vacation Planning

I have been watching your winter weather, so I get it.  I know you want to be here.  I am glad you are looking to[…]

February Update

Are you ready for Spring Break yet?  I am!  I know it has been a tough year where many of my guests live and come[…]

Website Update 2/4-2/08

My website is updating for a few days. Some things may look funny or be out of sorts as I move things around and learn[…]

Well, October has been interesting….

Been a little difficult to give a report as we have had our share of weather related challenges for a while now. Super grateful we[…]

Reading, Writing, What’s Biting and Lobster Tips

I have a lot of comfort with the programs or trips I offer to you. One thing I try to not let myself get too[…]

September Outlook

The kids are back in school again. The air is still hot and humid. Traffic is light and you can go out to eat without[…]

Helpful August Info

Well, July went about as expected. I’ve been doing this long enough to know the in’s and outs of my business very well. July we[…]

Critical Advice for Success in July

Welcome to the very busy month of July, where you have nearly every option available to you for adventure. July is a tricky month for[…]

June Update Lobster Info…

So, it you have turned on your tv and watched the news for more than 5 minutes this year, you probably saw something about it[…]

May is Grrreeeaat!!!

Hi! Thanks for reading my blog! This is where you find out all about what the month of May has to offer for fishing and[…]

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