To book a charter or see my availability, click on my “RESERVATIONS” page. Do not fill out my contact form and ask when I’m available. Rates have changed, so please read all of this thoroughly. Especially for Lobster Trips. Listed are my 2025 “rates” for my trips.
Charter Rates 2025 “Prices”
This 2007/2025 updated Sailfish offers comfortable seating for +6 (6 passengers is my max, no exceptions), more shade, more room to move about, much more storage for personal items and the biggest plus…. a freshwater toilet for ladies only! That means no stinky rotten egg smell coming from the toilet. Re-powered with twin 2025 300hp Suzuki outboards, my boat is fast, quiet and reliable. This boat is ideal for all the activities I offer and is set up very nicely. I am in my 14th year of operation of private custom charters. Be very honest with yourself and me when making a reservation. Provide me with tons of information in my “Notes” section of your booking to help me plan for your trip. Do not leave it blank. I prepare for what I know. I can work with just about any group. I’ll figure out the reality of your situation usually within a few minutes of meeting your guests. I prepare thoroughly for every trip to make it successful. I have a formula that works great when you work with me. The other half of our partnership is how you prepare yourself and your group so it works as planned. Preparation is success. We do this together!!

This is my boat

When you walk up to my boat at Captain Hooks Marina, it looks like this. I will introduce myself, take your gear and help you aboard.

Large rear cockpit with plenty of room to fish

full isenglass enclosure to keep us mostly dry on the wet days

Large Stand Up Fresh Water Head(toilet) with sink for women only; Boys go off the back because of every reason. This is the ladies room. It’s nice..

New electronics and custom dash

I maximize my use of my electronics. I fish fish and not spots. I find fish and I fish them. This is an example of my customer hooking and fighting a 40lb Amberjack out of 250′ of water. The target school of fish is on the left and our fish is coming up on the right as she is fighting it up. That’s awesome!!!!

New 2025 engines. Super quiet and efficient, allowing me to control my costs of operation. No diesel fumes. No oil exhaust. Very quiet
Rates listed are for up to 4 passengers. Please add $50 for passenger 5 and 6. ANY trip can be customized exactly to your needs for a minimal additional cost to cover equipment and fuel. These are 100% private custom trips. Gratuity is not included, yet appreciated.
4 Hours Reef Fishing: $800.
4 Hours Family Fish & Snorkel $800
6hrs Reef & Wreck Fishing: $1,100.
Offshore fishing is not a good fit for all groups, young children or beginners. It is an advanced trip with additional customer requirements. Light winds at 15mph or less is needed. Experience is very helpful. Understanding the activity is a must. Active participation is essential for success. You are my crew. You will be working. This is a physical trip with lots of teamwork.
6hrs Offshore:* $1,200.
7hrs Offshore:* $1,300.
Shark: $800/4ppl(mid April-mid July for tarpon) I can do tarpon, but not a fan of these trips.
Night Snapper Fishing: $850/4ppl(June-July) My boat is rigged so nicely for night reef trips. Keep in mind, wind needs to be light(10mph or less). Rough seas at night is not your friend.
Snorkeling: $450/6 people/3 hours**additional time can be added per availability
Add Mermaid Tails to ANY Snorkel Trip: $50
Snorkel Sets:$10/per set
Lobstering 2025 Season: NEW CHANGES 8/17/2024
Rate for repeat customer with experience will remain the same as your last 2020-2024 trip. Please include your social media post or review with you booking to receive the previous rate. No exceptions.
Different than fishing trips, all lobster trips are now a flat rate that include tip. All lobster trips require the balance due up front. All lobster trips will operate as scheduled. Any weather or environmental conflict that prevents lobstering, yet allows for fishing, will become a fishing trip with additional options per conditions. I can include all basic gear or bring your own. Weight belts available upon request. Do NOT book this trip if all participants that intend to be successful can’t meet the basic requirements clearly outlined here in my Lobster Info . I offer trips from August 6 to around Halloween when the water gets cold. BAD VISIBILITY MEANS WE ARE GOING FISHING INSTEAD.
4 hour Lobster Trip: $900/4ppl. Maximum is 6 people. Add $50 for person 5 and 6. Includes basic equipment (nets, tickle sticks etc.) Please arrive early to fill out liability release forms.
LOBSTER MINI SEASON 2025: (July 30th only,first day) I will not operate a lobster trip on July 31. $1,700/rate is for up to 6 people for 6 hours, included basic gear.
July 14 1 Day Florida Resident Season 2025 (If it happens again): $1,200/4ppl 4 hours. Add $50 for person 5 and 6. For Florida residents only.
Spearfishing: I no longer offer spearfishing. Nobody else locally does it that I am aware of.
Sunset Cruise or Ash Scattering: $450 *per availability* private trip up to 6 people. Large iced cooler with water/sports drinks provided. Bring whatever you want to drink. Have a great time. Customize this to suit your group, call for details. 2 hours or so, depending on conditions.
Long Sleeve Charter Shirts: $35
white XL,L,M,S OR pink L,M,S pick up only.

High Quality Name Brand SPF30 Dry Fit
Smoked Fish $10
Processed A-Z by me, vacuum sealed. About 6 pieces. Enough for a hearty snack. Fresh sometimes available in winter/spring. Probably frozen. Small batch and limited quantity. December-March. Pick up only.

small batch fish candy
The base price of each trip is for up to 4 people (add $50/pp for 5, 6th passenger) ((6 people max))includes fuel, fishing equipment, fishing licenses, bait and chum, ice, light drinks and fish cleaning. Many charters are charging fuel surcharges. I am not. Look into your charter cost details if you shop around.
Not included is snorkeling equipment(except lobstering), food, sun protective clothing and gratuity. I catch a ton of fish, so sometimes I ask you help me clean fish (15 or more) if you have experience. I can teach anybody!! I have a system. Seriously. Learning to clean fish can be a great part of your experience. You would be surprised at who is good at this!
The maximum boat capacity is 6 paying customers. Please, ask lots of questions to get the custom trip you desire. All trips can built to your specific needs to provide you the best possible experience. These rates are guidelines to establish a competitive base price for the most popular activities I offer. Credit cards are accepted via Square(tap, chip and slide) , electronic payment accepted through Venmo, PayPal and Zelle apps, but cash is preferred. No checks. Thanks!! Cash tips are great!
A deposit “retainer”is required to hold your reservation. Please visit my “RESERVATIONS” page to see my current availability (online calendar) and place your reservation. This is the ONLY way to book a trip/see my schedule when I am on the water. I do not answer my phone when I am with customers on a charter. Just leave me a voicemail. I do not book charters over the phone. I do not have any of your credit card information for any transaction made with me via deposits. All lobster trips will be paid up front in full before being “booked.”
All trips are subject to weather conditions, seasons and availability. All attempts will be made to accommodate the trips as booked, but cancellations will be made with the safety and success of the trip in mind. Please try to plan your bookings with a day or two on either side of your trip to slide your booking in the event of a weather or conditional cancellation. You are REQUIRED to make a check in phone call 48 hours before your scheduled trip. I don’t prepare the boat or leave the dock until you are checked in by phone call. Seriously, nothing happens until I hear your voice and we discuss your trip.
Gratuity is not included, yet very appreciated and customary. If you feel your captain has gone above and beyond a standard service, 15%-20% is common fare to compliment the custom effort provided for your enjoyment. All tips go back into keeping the boat updated with the best equipment to make your experience first class.
FUEL IS INCLUDED IN YOUR TRIP. Many other operations are charging you fuel costs in addition to their advertised charter rate. You better know or your wallet will take a $300 hit that you didn’t look into. People get tricked ALL OF THE TIME! I don’t do that. I earn my money and manage my operational costs with efficiency. That’s why you are my mate/crew. It saves you money.
Fishing trips usually involve getting fish blood on your clothing to some degree. Bring a sacrificial long sleeve shirt that you don’t care about if you want to be worry free. Your shoes/feet are likely to get wet at some point too. A pair of flip flops are appropriate for 80% of my trips. Fishing and fashion are not the best of friends, so leave your fancy clothes at home. Prepare for the elements you may encounter on your trip. A towel or 2 is always a good idea. Trust me, bring a few towels. Trip Tips is a resource to help you properly prepare for what you have booked.
Lobstering has additional critical customer requirements. DO NOT BOOK THIS TRIP IF YOU OR YOUR PARTICIPATING GUESTS ARE NOT 110% PREPARED. All participants must understand and meet a minimum breath hold requirement and know the laws and species identification very well. A thorough understanding of techniques and background info is a must for this activity. All trips are custom and arrangements can be made for any level of experience to ensure a successful and safe trip. ALL PARTICIPANTS for in the water activities must sign a liability release waiver to protect my business. Parents/guardians must sign for minors. The less invested you are in your trip, the more difficult you make this activity for you and me. These trips are to be paid in full before we leave the dock. The boat can come back early if you are not able to perform the actions of lobstering.
Always take motion sickness medications (Bonine or Dramamine) the night before and the day of your trip. Yes, two times! There are many other alternatives available to prevent motion sickness that work differently for everyone. Ask your family doctor! Do your research. Taking meds when you are feeling sick never, ever works. Always bring sunblock, sun protective clothing, a camera, drinks and small snacks. Smiles are guaranteed!
It is mandatory that I am fully aware of all medical issues or injuries before you book a trip. I have the right to refuse any trip on the spot if I determine that there is any chance of worsening a medical issue/condition by participating in the charter. Your deposit will be your cost for me making that decision at the dock. If you are cold/flu sick or have a condition that is aggravated by being on a boat, the charter will not go out. Obesity, back surgery, blown knees, recent surgery, incontinence, covid, flu and god knows what are a few of many medical issues my customers have presented me after the fact too many times. Do not come on my boat if you have major medical issues period. If there is green snot coming out of your kids nose…. not interested. I’m good with germs. I just have a limit at some point that is often crossed. Whatever illness is brought on board will be on every surface we share via handrails, grab rails, reel handles, passing fishing rods and such. I live in a germ world successfully within reason. Just use good judgement. Sometimes, you have to leave somebody behind because they are sick. I will leave you at the dock and your deposit will go home with me.
All photos and videos taken by Kevin Johnsen’s cameras are the property of Kevin Johnsen and are likely to be used for promotional or public use. By booking a charter, you are giving consent to being photographed or filmed and authorize my right to ownership and use. Any privacy issues will be respected with great sensitivity and common sense. The privacy of my customers comes before the promotion of my business and activities. Simply put, you will be aware of me taking pictures/video and I will ask you during filming for additional verbal consent to publicly display your images out of respect and privacy. It’s easy to figure out.
A very small percentage of my HAPPY customers write reviews of their experience with me, maybe 5% or less. I understand not every trip will be A+ because of conditions or variables beyond my control, but it is important to share with others what your experience was aboard my charter. This keeps me at the top of my game and educates others on the possibilities of what I offer. I encourage all customers to write a simple TripAdvisor, Yelp or Google review that takes 5 minutes max. It is appreciated greatly by me. Please include what you did wrong in your review to be fair and unbiased. CHECKING IN at my business and SHARING PICTURES on social media really helps me reach more customers. It is a privilege and an honor that you spend a day of your vacation with me and I take it very seriously and I give my best effort to you. Advertising is expensive. Please advertise for me to keep my rates moderated. You are my real world advertising. It is organic advertising that made my business and will keep me in operation for years to come. My rates have more than doubled since I started this business. A ton of it goes to advertising. I feel that is wasted money. Advertise for me, your rate goes down.
Thank you for reading. All of this information is designed to help you have the best possible experience because I truly care to create the best outcome for every trip. If I didn’t care, none of this extra info would be here.

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