Posts in Latest Report

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2016 June Adventure Report

Summer is in the air and you better believe things are heating up here in the Keys.  I don’t know where to begin, because I[…]

Enjoy Your Maycation!

We are entering one of the “sweet spots” of the year where we have so many things working in favor for your fun.  Coming out[…]

April Update

I’m finally getting around to writing a report and I see my Spring Break report never made it to completion.  That’s alright; the gist of[…]

March Brings More Options

Looongest winter eveeerrr!!  Sure we don’t have the ice and snow here, but we got a prolonged dose of wind that made for conditions that[…]

Late February Report, Closer To Epic

I’ll keep this short and on topic because we all have something to do.  It’s 8:30pm and the boat and I need washing!!  I was[…]

Oh February, Pleasant or Punishing?

I was so happy to put January behind me for all of the weather challenges we encountered.  We had many great trips and epic catches,[…]

January 2016 Outlook

Hi everybody, happy new year!  As we begin a new calendar year, our winter fishery is already in full swing.  Not in our typical way,[…]

Christmas Week Update

Welcome back everybody!!  By the looks of the traffic on US1, it seems we went from nobody here to full on return to season in[…]

Gifts of December

When I think of December many thoughts come to mind.  So many things are happening and in the works all culminating with a busy holiday[…]

November Outlook 2015

We are in the midst of our fall season transition and there is change all around us.  The days are shorter, the heat is less[…]

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