
August Fish and Dive Report

So much to say, I don't know where to start. We have been really busy here. There has been a lot going on.

I have deleted many drafts of this and I am posting this super late because the topic is difficult. I have far too many people getting sick on my boat. I have a lack of customer preparation problem. There is a ...

Lobster Mini Season July Report

A rainy tropical wave put an end to my 49 day charter streak since we have reopened, allowing me to post an update. Yes, we have been busy, like as busy as we can handle for 2 months busy. I'll try to keep this report simple and informative.

The basics, we passed the last test today for closures. No, we will not close...

Mid July Report

I'm going to keep this report really simple. Things are ok here. All the things I had hoped for for a responsible reopening didn't happen, so we are month 2 into a new spring break like daily reality. Today is July 11th, so I'm on a 41 day stretch of charters in record heat. I'm really busy and it's really hot here with occasional doses of intense tropical rain events....

June Outlook

Who freaking knows, right??!!

Things are all out of sorts, but we are stronger and better than what is happening around us. Pretty nice option right now is to come visit the Florida Keys and put some distance on this nonsense.